How I Plan My Life

Hi everyone! Today I am excited to dive into how I plan my life! Everything from planners I love, to apps I use, to methods that keep me on track. Recently, my goals have been to become more consistent and on schedule with YouTube as well as other social media platforms that I hope toContinue reading “How I Plan My Life”

How To Get A 4.0 In College & Tips For Success In Online Classes

Hi everyone! Today I am back to share some tips for success in college, especially geared towards online classes because so many of us will be doing online classes this summer/fall. I have a youtube video to go along with this that you can check out using the link on the top right of myContinue reading “How To Get A 4.0 In College & Tips For Success In Online Classes”

Faith Favorites

Hi everyone! This is the first post under the topic of faith on my blog! Every Friday I plan to do a faith related post for all of you to be able to read and recenter your connection with Jesus at the end of the week. This week is all about my faith favorites- podcasts,Continue reading “Faith Favorites”

5 Things To Do in Quarantine

With all the craziness going on right now, it is so hard to find rest and enjoyment in the little things. We are all a little overwhelmed and stressed, so here are 5 things to do to relieve stress, express creativity, and refresh you when you need. Watercolor painting- I have recently rediscovered painting andContinue reading “5 Things To Do in Quarantine”

Introducing Me!

Hi everyone! I am so glad that you stumbled upon this blog! My name is Buffy Johnson and I am a 20 year old college student living in Florida with my sweet kitty Toby and my boyfriend Julian! I am working on a degree in Early Childhood Development. This blog is going to be packedContinue reading “Introducing Me!”

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