How To Start A Podcast In 2021

Hi everyone! This is my first post in a while, but I am so excited to share with you my top tips and tricks for starting a podcast! I also share this in video form on my Youtube channel, which can be found on! My cousin, Maddy and I started a podcast a fewContinue reading “How To Start A Podcast In 2021”

How I Plan My Life

Hi everyone! Today I am excited to dive into how I plan my life! Everything from planners I love, to apps I use, to methods that keep me on track. Recently, my goals have been to become more consistent and on schedule with YouTube as well as other social media platforms that I hope toContinue reading “How I Plan My Life”

How To Get A 4.0 In College & Tips For Success In Online Classes

Hi everyone! Today I am back to share some tips for success in college, especially geared towards online classes because so many of us will be doing online classes this summer/fall. I have a youtube video to go along with this that you can check out using the link on the top right of myContinue reading “How To Get A 4.0 In College & Tips For Success In Online Classes”

6 Ways To Revamp Your Office Space & Get Inspired On A Budget

Hi everyone, long time no talk! Life has been crazy but I am happy to be back with a new blog post today. Recently I have been wanted to make a space for myself to work comfortably and be able to focus. I decided to pull out a desk from my garage and make myselfContinue reading “6 Ways To Revamp Your Office Space & Get Inspired On A Budget”

My Cat Essentials- Things my cat loves

Happy Monday! I am so excited to be back and writing a post about something I am very passionate about- cats! My cat Toby just turned 2 and he is my best friend! He completes our family so well. Over the past two years I have found the best and most useful items for myContinue reading “My Cat Essentials- Things my cat loves”

What I Eat In A Day- Simple & Healthy

Happy Monday! I’m so excited for this blog post because I am going to write about what I eat every week and some super easy meal ideas! Since I have been staying home a lot, I have definitely gotten into a routine of cooking with my boyfriend Julian and trying to keep things simple andContinue reading “What I Eat In A Day- Simple & Healthy”

My Morning Routine- Restful & Productive

Hey everyone! With everything going on in the world, I know some days it can be pretty tough to get the day going and start things off on a positive note. Today I want to share some steps to a quality morning routine that are relaxing, rejuvenating, and somewhat productive. I’m not going to sitContinue reading “My Morning Routine- Restful & Productive”

5 Things To Do in Quarantine

With all the craziness going on right now, it is so hard to find rest and enjoyment in the little things. We are all a little overwhelmed and stressed, so here are 5 things to do to relieve stress, express creativity, and refresh you when you need. Watercolor painting- I have recently rediscovered painting andContinue reading “5 Things To Do in Quarantine”

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